Friday, December 30, 2011

Rick Santorum for Third Place??

You look away for just one minute, thinking Iowa is going to go to either Mitt Romney or Ron Paul, and suddenly, out of nowhere, Mr. Next-to-Last-Place Rick Santorum surges ahead in the pack!
It has been confirmed by more than one credible national poll that Santorum is a strong contender for third place in Iowa. A CNN/Time poll taken just last week (you know, during the days that the wheels began to fall off the Gingrich bandwagon) shows the former Senator from Pennsylvania jumping NINE POINTS UP in Iowa. And that craziness is confirmed in an NBC/Marist poll (info down around p7).
I have spent little to no time talking about Sen. Santorum. I've actually met him and have been following his career since he was a freshman Congressman. He was riends with the Congressman I interned for many moons ago. I was just a young intern in someone else's office, and yet, he took the time to be genuine and kind to me. Trust me, that was a rarity on the Hill. I think he is a very good man, with very good morals and ethics. He's a good leader and someone who will rise to the top with time. But is he Presidential Material? I'll stop several feet short of saying yes, but whole heartily and adamantly say he would be great VP material!

I'll let his campaign do the rest of the "talking."

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